Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Big Sale
You can buy Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]. Also read our Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] reviews before you decide to buy Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Overview:
- 3D Glasses not included in box, must be purchased as optional accessory
- Auto Motion Plus 120Hz with Clear Motion Rate
- Full HD 1080p resolution
- Samsung Smart 3D TV
Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Reviews, On Sale Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], buy Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] best buy, Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Discount, Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] For Sale
Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] Reviews
64 of 64 people found the following review helpful
WOW - Get This Samsung LED, June 26, 2011 By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN40D6500 40-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) (Electronics) Pros:
From the get go, I pulled thing out of the box, and I was impressed on the thiness. Next I put it on the bezel stand and put it in our armoire and was completely awed at the cleaness and style.
Set Up:
was a breeze, got on my WiFi right away, updated the firmware and away we went.
I hooked up my media PC to it, with over 400 HD movies I have, I ran at least 10 movies on it. First I went simple, TRON with Auto Motion is crisp and clean and lifelike I do not know how you go back to regular viewing ever again. Next I tried 3D and threw in How to Train Your Dragon, and it was so clear and clean and had such good depth perception I was totally impressed.
I have a Plasma TV Panasonic 42" and this Samsung LED kills it, it bar non has better color and clarity without a second thought.
Very clean and very strong however it lacks bass to be expected with its thinness, but... Read more
47 of 49 people found the following review helpful
So far GREAT, May 11, 2011 By AnObservation (Florida, USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN40D6500 40-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) (Electronics) I purchased this TV from Amazon a week ago and so far I am enjoying it very much. It is my 3rd LCD flat screen over almost as many years as they have been on the market. This is far better the one I purchased 2 years ago. The picture is outstanding, almost too good. Some people who watch it with me say it looks too real and not like a TV and shows detail you were not meant to see. I do not consider that a negative. The SMART TV variety of options including Samsung Apps are fairly good and extensive but sadly do not include Amazon which tempted me to knock the rating down to 4 stars. The set up and use of the apps and other features is not as intuitive as it could be and that probably does knock the rating down to 4 and half stars. Many of the Apps like with apple ipod you have to purchase, others claim to be free but after you connect you have to pay a fee.
The caveat being I have yet to connect a 3-D source or buy the glasses. So I can not review that aspect of the TV. The... Read more
21 of 22 people found the following review helpful
Great TV at a great price, June 1, 2011 Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN55D6500 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] (Electronics) Awesome TV! I was a little hesitant to buy it because of the lack of reviews, but really glad I did. This is Samsung's entry level 3D 2011 model, but the only thing indicating that is the price. I'm not sure if you can get a better deal on a 55" 3D capable LED TV.
PROS: Looks awesome, 0.5" bezel makes it look great! WiFi is built-in, so no need to spend another $60 on an adapter.
CONS: There really aren't any, besides being able to tweak a lot of picture settings which can be a burden for people with OCD :)
› See all 59 customer reviews...
64 of 64 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN40D6500 40-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) (Electronics) Pros:Appearance: From the get go, I pulled thing out of the box, and I was impressed on the thiness. Next I put it on the bezel stand and put it in our armoire and was completely awed at the cleaness and style. Set Up: was a breeze, got on my WiFi right away, updated the firmware and away we went. Movies: I hooked up my media PC to it, with over 400 HD movies I have, I ran at least 10 movies on it. First I went simple, TRON with Auto Motion is crisp and clean and lifelike I do not know how you go back to regular viewing ever again. Next I tried 3D and threw in How to Train Your Dragon, and it was so clear and clean and had such good depth perception I was totally impressed. Color: I have a Plasma TV Panasonic 42" and this Samsung LED kills it, it bar non has better color and clarity without a second thought. Sound: Very clean and very strong however it lacks bass to be expected with its thinness, but... Read more 47 of 49 people found the following review helpful ![]() By AnObservation (Florida, USA) - See all my reviews Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN40D6500 40-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) (Electronics) I purchased this TV from Amazon a week ago and so far I am enjoying it very much. It is my 3rd LCD flat screen over almost as many years as they have been on the market. This is far better the one I purchased 2 years ago. The picture is outstanding, almost too good. Some people who watch it with me say it looks too real and not like a TV and shows detail you were not meant to see. I do not consider that a negative. The SMART TV variety of options including Samsung Apps are fairly good and extensive but sadly do not include Amazon which tempted me to knock the rating down to 4 stars. The set up and use of the apps and other features is not as intuitive as it could be and that probably does knock the rating down to 4 and half stars. Many of the Apps like with apple ipod you have to purchase, others claim to be free but after you connect you have to pay a fee.The caveat being I have yet to connect a 3-D source or buy the glasses. So I can not review that aspect of the TV. The... Read more 21 of 22 people found the following review helpful ![]() Amazon Verified Purchase This review is from: Samsung UN55D6500 55-Inch 1080p 120 Hz 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL] (Electronics) Awesome TV! I was a little hesitant to buy it because of the lack of reviews, but really glad I did. This is Samsung's entry level 3D 2011 model, but the only thing indicating that is the price. I'm not sure if you can get a better deal on a 55" 3D capable LED TV.PROS: Looks awesome, 0.5" bezel makes it look great! WiFi is built-in, so no need to spend another $60 on an adapter. CONS: There really aren't any, besides being able to tweak a lot of picture settings which can be a burden for people with OCD :) |
› See all 59 customer reviews...
Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL], Samsung UN60D6500 60-Inch 1080p 120HZ 3D LED TV (Black) [2011 MODEL]
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