Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Big Sale
You can buy Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U. Also read our Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U reviews before you decide to buy Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Overview:
- 60" HDTV LED
- 1920x1080
- Refresh Rate: 240Hz
- Dynamic Contrast Ratio: 4,000,000:1
Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Reviews, On Sale Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, buy Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U best buy, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Discount, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U For Sale
Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U Reviews
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful
60" of HD Love!, December 24, 2011 By This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) Best LCD I've owned yet, and scored it for $1,600 w/ $300 manufacturer
rebate. Nice! It replaced a Mitsubishi DLP 57", that I really liked
a lot. It had a fantastic image, but just after the warranty expired,
it started having white dots all over. After a month, it had so many
white dots I just couldn't stand it and had to get something new.
Hooked my new 60" LCD up to the Timewarner HD box and it looks AWESOME!!
Just watched Jets vs Giants, and the image and response was perfect.
No ghosting, no lag, no blur, no pixelation on moving objects. Didn't use
the 240hz mode, the 120hz high mode is better. I did have to adjust
the default settings to get it the way I like it. I found a list of settings someone
on the Costco website used and they were about exactly how I like it.
A couple minor changes and the picture can't be beat. Bright, clear, sharp
loads of color, but not so vibrant that it hurts to look at.
I have my audio... Read more
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
The picture is......WOW!, January 10, 2012 By This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) I first bought a 47" Vizio LED LCD 3D 1080/240 t.v. from Costco and had it for about a week. I kept seeing a "halo effect" around the bright or white objects, but maybe it was just my eyes. My husband said he didn't notice it. We checked back with Costco just to see if the price had dropped at all after the new year, and ended up getting this Sharp Aquos t.v. as well. We brought it home and compared it to the Vizio and, OMG! What a difference! The picture was so clear and the size was great for our bonus room. Every night we have watched it, at least one of us has said, "I can't believe how clear the picture is!" It was like the actors/actresses were right there in the room with you. Of course my husband tested the "game quality" by watching some NFL and as much as I don't like football, I'd have to admit that it was one of (if not THE) best picture of a football game I have ever watched. There are multiple picture setting you can choose to enhance what you are watching, and... Read more
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
AWSOME TV!!, November 22, 2011 By Wert Alvin Rassio "Wertex" (Rutledge, TN USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) I replaced a failing 60" DLP with this LED TV. At first I was looking at 55" tv's thinking that I would not find another 60" without going to plasma or back to DLP. I was surprised to see a similar model ( Sharp 60" led 120hz) going on sale black friday. I found this TV at a local store and bought it seeing that it was twice the TV I was looking at buying. So far So good. It almost makes everything look and play so detailed it is like you are there and you could shake the hands with the actors at any-point. I never knew a TV could look this good. I found a great deal on this TV because the shop owner apparently need to get some sells but I would recommend this TV to anyone that is even thinking about getting a 55" TV.
The Good:
Internet compatible with dual-band wireless N
Black is BLACK!!
Details pop out at you
The TV gives a great sense of Depth ( almost seems 3D on some HD Shows)
The Bad
NO HULU!! I know it is minor but my Blu-ray... Read more
› See all 9 customer reviews...
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) Best LCD I've owned yet, and scored it for $1,600 w/ $300 manufacturerrebate. Nice! It replaced a Mitsubishi DLP 57", that I really liked a lot. It had a fantastic image, but just after the warranty expired, it started having white dots all over. After a month, it had so many white dots I just couldn't stand it and had to get something new. Hooked my new 60" LCD up to the Timewarner HD box and it looks AWESOME!! Just watched Jets vs Giants, and the image and response was perfect. No ghosting, no lag, no blur, no pixelation on moving objects. Didn't use the 240hz mode, the 120hz high mode is better. I did have to adjust the default settings to get it the way I like it. I found a list of settings someone on the Costco website used and they were about exactly how I like it. A couple minor changes and the picture can't be beat. Bright, clear, sharp loads of color, but not so vibrant that it hurts to look at. I have my audio... Read more 3 of 4 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) I first bought a 47" Vizio LED LCD 3D 1080/240 t.v. from Costco and had it for about a week. I kept seeing a "halo effect" around the bright or white objects, but maybe it was just my eyes. My husband said he didn't notice it. We checked back with Costco just to see if the price had dropped at all after the new year, and ended up getting this Sharp Aquos t.v. as well. We brought it home and compared it to the Vizio and, OMG! What a difference! The picture was so clear and the size was great for our bonus room. Every night we have watched it, at least one of us has said, "I can't believe how clear the picture is!" It was like the actors/actresses were right there in the room with you. Of course my husband tested the "game quality" by watching some NFL and as much as I don't like football, I'd have to admit that it was one of (if not THE) best picture of a football game I have ever watched. There are multiple picture setting you can choose to enhance what you are watching, and... Read more 3 of 4 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Wert Alvin Rassio "Wertex" (Rutledge, TN USA) - See all my reviews This review is from: Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U (Electronics) I replaced a failing 60" DLP with this LED TV. At first I was looking at 55" tv's thinking that I would not find another 60" without going to plasma or back to DLP. I was surprised to see a similar model ( Sharp 60" led 120hz) going on sale black friday. I found this TV at a local store and bought it seeing that it was twice the TV I was looking at buying. So far So good. It almost makes everything look and play so detailed it is like you are there and you could shake the hands with the actors at any-point. I never knew a TV could look this good. I found a great deal on this TV because the shop owner apparently need to get some sells but I would recommend this TV to anyone that is even thinking about getting a 55" TV.The Good: Internet compatible with dual-band wireless N Black is BLACK!! Details pop out at you The TV gives a great sense of Depth ( almost seems 3D on some HD Shows) The Bad NO HULU!! I know it is minor but my Blu-ray... Read more |
› See all 9 customer reviews...
Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633USharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633USharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633USharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633USharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U, Sharp Aquos 60" LED 1080p 240Hz HDTV LC-60LE633U
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