LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Big Sale
You can buy LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen. Also read our LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen reviews before you decide to buy LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Overview:
LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Reviews, On Sale LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, buy LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen best buy, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Discount, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen For Sale
LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen Reviews
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful
A great example of a good product not having enough expert reviews., November 26, 2011 By JR "Wondafish" (Philadelphia, PA) - See all my reviews This review is from: LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen (Electronics) I got it for 50% off the MSRP, on a great sale last week. We just got it yesterday. (I know. I was surprised too.)
My first impression .... GREAT!!!. This is a secret. How great the picture is, right out of the box. I switched to 'Vivid' mode, and loved it even more. My brother in law was visiting for Thanksgiving, and he was amazed by the quality and the price.
However, I do miss not having apps/internet. I am just coming off a 32" google tv and it was great to have Netflix, Amazon etc. available without hooking on a box.
Haven't tried the pen yet. Will do it tomorrow.
Will update as soon as I have more feedback.
Update (2.19.2012): Still haven't tried the pen yet. I only have a desktop and it is in the next room. Would love to be able to connect my desktop to tv, over my ethernet. However, the TV is amazing. Nothing disappoints. The quality is incredible. I also like the quickmenu from the remote. A great way to... Read more
› See the customer review...
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful ![]() By JR "Wondafish" (Philadelphia, PA) - See all my reviews This review is from: LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen (Electronics) I got it for 50% off the MSRP, on a great sale last week. We just got it yesterday. (I know. I was surprised too.)My first impression .... GREAT!!!. This is a secret. How great the picture is, right out of the box. I switched to 'Vivid' mode, and loved it even more. My brother in law was visiting for Thanksgiving, and he was amazed by the quality and the price. However, I do miss not having apps/internet. I am just coming off a 32" google tv and it was great to have Netflix, Amazon etc. available without hooking on a box. Haven't tried the pen yet. Will do it tomorrow. Will update as soon as I have more feedback. Update (2.19.2012): Still haven't tried the pen yet. I only have a desktop and it is in the next room. Would love to be able to connect my desktop to tv, over my ethernet. However, the TV is amazing. Nothing disappoints. The quality is incredible. I also like the quickmenu from the remote. A great way to... Read more |
› See the customer review...
LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch TouchscreenLG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch TouchscreenLG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch TouchscreenLG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch TouchscreenLG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen, LG 60PV490 60" Class 1080p Plasma TV with Pentouch Touchscreen
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