Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV Big Sale
You can buy Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV. Also read our Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV reviews before you decide to buy Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
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Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV Overview:
- Full HD 1080p Resolution
- 600Hz Max Sub Field Driving
- 2M:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio
- Infinite Surround
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Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV Reviews
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful
Love this TV for the price, January 20, 2012 By Ekonomiks "SOE" (Minneapolis, MN) - See all my reviews This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) Bought this TV from B**t B*y and it is awesome. The picture is great and speakers aren't half bad. But the best part about this TV is that it is under $1,000! Incredible value here. Zenith is now a division of LG, so there is no need to discriminate based off brand name. Zenith and LG tvs are essentially the same, just rebranded. If you don't need all the extra crap (internet connection, 3D, etc.) and just want a good picture, definitely go with this winner!!
Note: Out of the box, the intelligent sensor is on. This makes the picture look very dark. I would suggest turning it off or turning it to low.
Pros: Picture. Price.
Cons: Menus. Not enough picture manipulation.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Great bang for the buck!, February 22, 2012 By David P. "ROUSHAC" (Syracuse, NY) - See all my reviews This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) Bought it from B*** B** in late 2011 during a sale (with free home delivery) at a price that I have not seen there or anywhere else before or since - $799. Very Few bells and whistles, but I don't need them. I run online movies, sporting events, etc. from a laptop directly to the TV through the HDMI port. Reflections on the screen from windows during the daytime and from lamps are a bit of a PITA, but that's what they make curtains, drapes, and light switches for, right? I have gotten lots of compliments on the TV.
Reflections on screen **
Sound ***
Ease of setup ***
Pic ****
Overall *** (at the price that I got it at ****)
* Poor ** OK *** Good **** Excellent
At anything less than $1000, I would be pleased with this TV, but at $799, I am REALLY HAPPY with it. :-)
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
Wonderful TV, February 20, 2012 This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) We bought this at Walmart for $898. Well worth the price. The picture on this is amazing and you can be sitting at any angle to watch it and the pic is still clear. On some tvs if you had to sit to the side it would be hard to see the picture.
Sound is great. NHas energy saving options.
This plasma is way better than the LCD we bought. Lcd lets to much light in.
› See all 3 customer reviews...
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful ![]() By Ekonomiks "SOE" (Minneapolis, MN) - See all my reviews This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) Bought this TV from B**t B*y and it is awesome. The picture is great and speakers aren't half bad. But the best part about this TV is that it is under $1,000! Incredible value here. Zenith is now a division of LG, so there is no need to discriminate based off brand name. Zenith and LG tvs are essentially the same, just rebranded. If you don't need all the extra crap (internet connection, 3D, etc.) and just want a good picture, definitely go with this winner!!Note: Out of the box, the intelligent sensor is on. This makes the picture look very dark. I would suggest turning it off or turning it to low. Pros: Picture. Price. Cons: Menus. Not enough picture manipulation. 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful ![]() By David P. "ROUSHAC" (Syracuse, NY) - See all my reviews This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) Bought it from B*** B** in late 2011 during a sale (with free home delivery) at a price that I have not seen there or anywhere else before or since - $799. Very Few bells and whistles, but I don't need them. I run online movies, sporting events, etc. from a laptop directly to the TV through the HDMI port. Reflections on the screen from windows during the daytime and from lamps are a bit of a PITA, but that's what they make curtains, drapes, and light switches for, right? I have gotten lots of compliments on the TV.Reflections on screen ** Sound *** Ease of setup *** Pic **** Overall *** (at the price that I got it at ****) * Poor ** OK *** Good **** Excellent At anything less than $1000, I would be pleased with this TV, but at $799, I am REALLY HAPPY with it. :-) 2 of 2 people found the following review helpful ![]() This review is from: Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV (Electronics) We bought this at Walmart for $898. Well worth the price. The picture on this is amazing and you can be sitting at any angle to watch it and the pic is still clear. On some tvs if you had to sit to the side it would be hard to see the picture.Sound is great. NHas energy saving options. This plasma is way better than the LCD we bought. Lcd lets to much light in. |
› See all 3 customer reviews...
Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV, Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTVZenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV, Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTVZenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV, Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTVZenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV, Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTVZenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV, Zenith Z60PV220 60" Plasma HDTV
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